The Western Denial of the Self is the Key to Understanding the Difference between the East and the West
Once one comprehends this doctrine, then one is set free from ignorance, enslavement, and from self-condemnation - the favorite trick that Western Hucksters and sycophants void of any kind of genuine comprehension of the vitality of life love to employ on those whom they scorn and hold in contempt as lesser and primal. Those whom they believe to be like inbred swine and lower than the lowest of the low. Those whom they ascribe the likeness of apes to. Those who presume that men and women are to be civilized sycophants void of any and all primacy. Those whose scorn and haughty contempt reach to the heavens with furor and rage, and who invite the displeasure of the gods. Those who destroy vitality, who hold life at bay, who deny life its rightful place amongst ment, who presume themselves to be as gods when they cannot even divine the realm of the gods and of the Platonic Forms, who presume themselves to be masters of the Unseen world where with they seek to enslave and ensnare the masses in their nets of treachery, and who in their vain glorious self-estimation deny their culpability in setting western society ablaze with the just fury of the masses against their captors.
Life is not merely interaction void of substance - it is also deprivation, isolation, torment, and being the object of scorn. Life partakes in the essence of the Self - It proceeds forth from the very essence of Being, and therefore partakes in all that Being partakes in. Those who presume themselves to be alive while dead often times make it their modus operandi to incriminate, scorn, and impute to the living that they are not 'living' when they are not partaking in the same form of life that they themselves have partaken in without measure. This is the way in which society fragments, dissolves, and destroys itself from within - through the misapprehendsion and misappropriation of false representation to those who are self-sufficient, wholly dependent upon the Self for the maintenance of their being, rather than having been provoked and enslaved to the notion that their self is defined to the degree in which they partake in a society in accordance with the ideals of how society ought to be.
Such provisioning of one's own self with this knowledge is what enables one to grasp the essence of those with whom one must face, and the degree to which they are prone to misapprehension of your place in their life. The snares of men lay in wait for all who think to maintain their ways amongst men, and are used to bait and switch any and all who think to be both an advocate of life and of death, for one cannot promote life without also promoting death, as both partake in the Primordial Self that birthes and dissolves the worlds of men.
Life always finds a way, and in this era, The Way persists for those who heed its call...
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